Connect . Communicate . Collaborate

Make a difference in parents and students lives

with open communication and positive school culture.

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SchoolParency will bridge the communication gap that exists in school systems today

Unlimited Features

2-way Communication System

Restorative Behavior System
School Shop - PBIS REWARDS
Attendance Tracker
Community Wall
Instant Notifications
Customizable Reports

A Blueprint For Positive School culture

SchoolParency streamlines communication through a one-touch platform accessible to administrators, teachers, parents, and students.

Whether the learning is remote or in-person, enjoy secure and instant 2-way communication with families and staff.

Technology made simple

  • Seamless Onboarding
  • One-Touch Platform
  • Easy to navigate
  • Instant Notifications
  • Web and Mobile

Automatic Translation

  • Personalize Communication with the Preferred Language Option
  • Instant two-way conversation translations

SchoolParency - Google Classroom

Use SchoolParency with Google Classroom to close the gap in communication and engage Students.
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate.

Engage Students with SchoolParency’s Point System and School Shop

  • Easily implement School Systems that reward
    Core values and build School Culture
  • Recognize Students for Earning Points that can be redeemed at the School Shop

SchoolParency - Microsoft Teams

Use SchoolParency with Microsoft Teams to close the gap in communication and engage Students.
Connect. Communicate. Collaborate.

Bridge the gap in communication using schoolparency

  • Link Meetings, Assignments and Materials to Microsoft Teams
  • Share Daily Reminders and Announcements
  • Direct Message Staff, Students and Guardians


Make a difference in parents and students lives with open
communication and positive school culture.